Saturday, October 5, 2024
Robert Santos, director, U.S. Census Bureau |

Census Bureau's Santos: Participating in 'the census can make a difference in the federal funding your community receives'

A U.S. Census Bureau report highlighted the critical role of Census Bureau data in distributing federal funding, a recent press release from the bureau said.

Census Bureau Director Robert Santos noted that this is why the Census matters.

“Responding to Census Bureau surveys and the census can make a difference in the federal funding your community receives,” Santos said in the release.

He emphasized the profound impact of community participation in surveys on federal funding and highlighted that actively responding to Census Bureau surveys and the census itself can significantly influence the amount of federal funding communities receive. He also noted that community participation plays a crucial role in enhancing the quality of data and influencing decisions that directly allocate financial resources back into localities.

The Census Bureau's report, titled Uses of Decennial Census Programs Data in Federal Funds Distribution: Fiscal Year 2021, shed light on the more than $2.8 trillion in federal funds that were distributed to states, communities, tribal governments and various recipients based on Census Bureau data. This immense amount of funding demonstrates the pivotal role played by the Census Bureau in resource allocation.

The report examined the intricate workings of federal assistance programs and revealed that at least 353 of them relied on Census Bureau data during fiscal year 2021. Remarkably, the 20 largest programs accounted for nearly 90% of the total federal funds disbursed. Notably, more than $700 billion of those funds were dedicated to addressing the challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, underscoring the significance of accurate data in responding to crises effectively.

The use of Census Bureau data extended across a wide array of federal assistance programs, encompassing critical sectors such as health care, nutrition, transportation infrastructure, housing, education and COVID-19 relief efforts; the report said. Those programs directly impacted diverse groups of individuals including children, older adults, unemployed individuals, persons with disabilities, families in need of child care, public transportation users and those requiring housing support.

The report also illustrated that the impact of Census Bureau data goes beyond federal funding distribution. The data are vital for shaping criteria related to tax credits, federal contract awards, regulations governing business- and home mortgage lending, and informing decision-making processes in government, communities and industries.

Additionally, census results are instrumental in determining congressional representation and redrawing legislative districts, while census data provide detailed annual snapshots of communities across the nation, the report said.

The wealth of information provided by the Census Bureau is indispensable for planning essential services such as schools, roads, hospitals, job training centers and health care facilities for older adults. Moreover, businesses rely on Census Bureau statistics to make informed decisions regarding the location of stores, offices, shopping centers, manufacturing plants, and more.


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