Due to the introduction of restrictive measures by the United States against the Moscow Exchange Group, on-exchange trading and settlements of deliverable instruments in US dollars and euros are suspended. However, trading in all other exchange segments and instruments in rubles and other currencies will be conducted as normal. US dollars and euros will still be traded in the over-the-counter market.
To set the official exchange rate of the US dollar and euro against the ruble, the Bank of Russia will use bank reports and data received from digital over-the-counter trading platforms in accordance with Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 6290-U, dated 3 October 2022, "On the Procedure for the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to Set and Publish Official Exchange Rates of Foreign Currencies Against the Ruble."
Companies and individuals may continue to buy and sell US dollars and euros in Russian banks. All funds in US dollars and euros in the accounts and deposits of individuals and companies remain secure. The procedure previously established by the Bank of Russia for withdrawing funds from deposits and accounts of individuals and companies in US dollars and euros remains in force.
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