Friday, September 20, 2024
Elvira Nabiullina Governor of the Central Bank of Russia | Official Website

Bank of Russia assigns representatives to oversee operations at 87 credit institutions

Authorised representatives of the Bank of Russia, acting in compliance with Article 76 of Federal Law No. 86-FZ, dated 10 July 2002, 'On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)', were assigned to 87 credit institutions.

The list includes various financial entities across multiple regions:

- In the Central Federal District, Moscow and Moscow Region: AO UniCredit Bank, BCS Bank AO, CentroCredit Bank, JSC Auto Finance Bank, HCF Bank, Bank GPB (JSC), Bank IPB (JSC), JSC Post Bank, PJSC Norvik Bank, VTB Bank (PJSC), AO ALFA-BANK, Sberbank, RosDorBank, Timer Bank (JSC), SDM-Bank PJSC, JSC MOSOBLBANK, FORA-BANK, Joint Stock Company commercial bank Lanta-Bank, CREDIT BANK OF MOSCOW PJSC Peresvet Bank LLC Drive Click Bank Otkritie Financial Corporation TKB Banca Intesa MTS Bank ROSBANK BANK URALSIB Russian Standard Absolut Ingosstrakh BANK OF CHINA DOM.RF Metallinvestbank NOVIKOMBANK Citibank International Financial Club TBank LOCKO-Bank BM-Bank ITB OTP AVANGARD Agropromcredit BBR Expobank NS HFB Promsvyazbank ZENIT NB TRUST RRDB Raiffeisenbank NSD Credit Europe SME Rosselkhozbank Renaissance Finservice CCP NCC ICBC SPB Clearing.

- Kaluga Region: Gazenergobank

- Kostroma Region: Sovcombank

- North-Western Federal District:

- Vologda Region: BANK SGB

- City of St Petersburg: BANK ROSSIYA and Saint-Petersburg Tavrichesky.

- Volga Federal District:

- Nizhny Novgorod Region: NBD-Bank

- Samara Region: Commercial Solidarnost.

- Republic of Tatarstan: Avers AK BARS.

- Southern Federal District:

- Krasnodar Territory: Kuban Credit

- Rostov Region: Center-invest.

- Republic of Crimea and City of Sevastopol: RNCB GENBANK.

- Urals Federal District:


- Tyumen Region: SNGB.

- Chelyabinsk Region: CHELINDBANK Chelyabinvest CUB Magnitogorsk.

- Siberian Federal District:

- Novosibirsk Region Levoberezhny.

- Far Eastern Federal District:

- Amur Region Asian-Pacific Blagoveshchensk Primorye Vladivostok Primsotsbank.

"Authorised representatives were assigned in accordance with Federal Law No. 7-FZ," noted a source from the Press Service.

The reference to the Press Service is mandatory if you intend to use this material.

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