On May 2, 2024, the Bank of Russia released a series of 10-ruble commemorative coins under the Cities of Labour Valour series. The cities featured on these coins are Perm, Samara, Saratov, and Tomsk.
Each coin is round with a diameter of 22.0 mm. Both sides of the coins have a relief rim around their circumference. The edge is intermittently corrugated with alternating sections that vary in ridge numbers.
The obverse side includes inscriptions: ‘БАНК РОССИИ’ (BANK OF RUSSIA) at the top and ‘2024’ at the bottom. Laurel and oak twigs are depicted on the left and right sides respectively. In the center is the figure ‘10’ along with ‘РУБЛЕЙ’ (RUBLES), indicating its face value. Inside the figure ‘0’, there is a security element displaying ‘10’ and ‘РУБ’ (RUB) from different angles. The Moscow Mint trademark appears at the bottom.
The reverse side features:
- For Perm (Catalogue No. 5714-0096), a relief image of the monument to Heroes of the Front and Rear with inscriptions: ‘ПЕРМЬ’ (PERM) at the top and ‘ГОРОДА ТРУДОВОЙ ДОБЛЕСТИ’ (CITIES OF LABOUR VALOUR) at the bottom.
- For Samara (Catalogue No. 5714-0097), an image from a memorial complex Monument of Glory with inscriptions: ‘САМАРА’ (SAMARA) at the top and 'ГОРОДА ТРУДОВОЙ ДОБЛЕСТИ' at the bottom.
- For Saratov (Catalogue No. 5714-0098), an image of a monument to Heroes of Front and Rear with similar inscriptions: 'САРАТОВ' (SARATOV) at top.
- For Tomsk (Catalogue No. 5714-0099), an image depicting Women and Adolescents Who Forged Victory in Rear with 'ТОМСК' (TOMSK) inscription on top.
Each design has been minted in one million pieces. These coins are legal tender in Russia, mandatory for all payments without restrictions based on their face value.
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