The Bank of Russia has announced the operational schedule for its Payment System during the upcoming holiday period, covering December 29, 30, and 31, 2024, as well as January 3, 6, and 8, 2025.
On December 29, 30 and January 3 and 6, the system will begin with a preliminary session at midnight Moscow time until 1:00 AM. This is followed by a regular session starting at 1:00 AM that continues until 9:00 PM. Within this regular session is a standard period from 1:00 AM to 8:00 PM and a settlement period from 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM. The final session starts at 9:00 PM and concludes no later than at 10:00 PM. Throughout these days, the faster payments service will remain available around the clock according to established rules.
On December 31st, operations will also commence with a preliminary session from midnight to 1:00 AM. The regular session on this day will run from 1:00 AM to an earlier closing time of 6:00 PM. The standard period within this regular session ends at 5:00 PM while the settlement period runs from then until closure at six in the evening. A final session follows immediately after and ends no later than at seven o'clock in the evening.
For January 8th, operations start slightly later with a preliminary session from eight to nine in the morning. Regular sessions are scheduled between nine in the morning and nine in the evening; consisting of a standard operation phase until eight in the evening followed by settlements lasting an hour thereafter. As on other days specified by these announcements—the faster payments service continues uninterrupted throughout.
The Bank emphasizes that reference to their Press Service is required if any part of this material is utilized.