Cashless transactions continue to rise, according to the Bank of Russia's recent data. However, there is a shift in user preferences. During the first nine months of 2024, the total amount of card payments decreased compared to the previous year. Individuals and businesses are increasingly using QR codes and biometric data for transactions. From January to September 2024, these methods were used for purchases totaling ₽2.6 trillion and ₽7.8 trillion, respectively. Payments through e-money systems, widely utilized by marketplaces, nearly doubled year-on-year.
In the first three quarters of 2024, cashless payment terminals grew by 341,000 units, surpassing 4.8 million in total.
Starting from 2024, participants in the payment services market are required to submit reports using new forms. This information aids in monitoring current market trends and assessing demand for instruments and technologies offered by the payment infrastructure. Consequently, updated statistics now include transactions conducted with biometric data and QR codes.
The range of published data will be gradually expanded.