The Bank of Russia and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation have announced the establishment of a new Banking Standards Committee. This initiative aims to create a platform for dialogue and collaboration between regulators and banking businesses.
The Bank of Russia has released the results for May 2024 concerning the maximum interest rates on deposits in Russian rubles. These figures pertain to the top ten credit institutions that attract the largest volume of household deposits.
As of the end of April, the MOEX Russia Index recorded a 4.1% increase, reaching its highest level in over two years. The ruble exchange rate remained stable, attributed to tight monetary policy and decreased demand for foreign currency from households. Additionally, high amounts sold by exporters contributed to supporting the ruble.
The Bank of Russia has released a series of commemorative coins to honor Alexander Pushkin, a significant figure in Russian literature. These coins celebrate the 225th anniversary of Pushkin's birth and are part of the Historical Events series.
Creditors have been encouraged to adjust loans for businesses impacted by recent flooding, according to a directive from the Bank of Russia. The guidance was issued to banks, microfinance organizations, consumer credit cooperatives, agricultural consumer credit cooperatives, and credit history bureaus.
The recent publication outlines the key points of the discussion regarding the economic situation, inflation, monetary and external conditions, and alternatives to the key rate decision.
Nominal and real interest rates have continued their upward trend in the March-April period. Inflation expectations, however, have shown varied changes during this time.
Binance Charity has pledged to donate up to $1 million in BNB token vouchers to registered Binance users affected by the catastrophic floods in Brazil's Southern Region. The organization is rapidly identifying users and distributing funds to their accounts.
The Reserve Bank of Australia has released the schedule for its board meetings and the Statement on Monetary Policy for 2025. The outcomes of these meetings will be announced at 2:30 pm on the second day of each board meeting, followed by a media conference hosted by the Governor at 3:30 pm.
The study explores the consequences of implementing the net stable funding ratio (NSFR) on lending practices by South African domestic banks. It breaks down total lending into categories based on customer type, such as corporate versus household, and various loan types, including instalments, mortgages, credit cards, overdrafts, and other loans. The aim is to consider different risk profiles and maturities spanning short-, medium-, and long-term lending.
Good morning. Senior Deputy Governor Carolyn Rogers and I are here to discuss the Bank of Canada’s Financial Stability Report (FSR). The Bank's mandate includes preserving and promoting the stability of the Canadian financial system. A stable and resilient financial system allows people to access credit and manage their assets safely and predictably, reducing the need for authorities to intervene during periods of financial stress. A stable financial system is critical to Canada’s economic well-being.
The Bank of Russia has reported a 2.7% increase in incoming payments through its payment system for April, compared to the average of the first quarter of 2024. This growth was observed across various industry groups, with the exception of sectors focused on public consumption.
In 2023, compensations under compulsory motor third party liability insurance (CMTPLI) policies for motorbikes averaged ₽93,600, which is 6% more compared to CMTPLI policies for cars, according to the Bank of Russia’s calculations.
The Reserve Bank Board has announced its decision to maintain the cash rate target at 4.35 per cent and the interest rate paid on Exchange Settlement balances at 4.25 per cent. In a statement released on May 7, 2024, the Board highlighted the current economic conditions and uncertainties moving forward."Inflation remains high and is falling more gradually than expected," the Board stated. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) grew by 3.6 per cent over the year to the March quarter, with underlying inflation higher than headline inflation. Services inflation, in particular,...
The Market Practitioners Group (MPG) has released an update on the transition plan for the Johannesburg Interbank Average Rate (Jibar). This document details the strategy to increase the adoption of the South African Rand Overnight Index Average (ZARONIA) in financial markets, moving away from Jibar.
On the first anniversary of the coronation of His Majesty King Charles III, the Bank of Canada issued a progress update on designing a new $20 bank note.
The Johannesburg Interbank Average Rate (Jibar) is undergoing a transition, as announced on May 6, 2024. The South African Reserve Bank has provided updates regarding the shift from Jibar to alternative reference rates.
The Bank of Russia has released the April 2024 results of its monitoring of maximum interest rates on deposits in Russian rubles for the top ten credit institutions that attract the largest amount of household deposits. The reported rates are as follows:
"The Bank of Canada’s Annual Report for 2023 was tabled in the House of Commons yesterday. The report evaluates how the physical effects of climate change and potential disruptions from the transition to a low-carbon economy could impact the Bank’s ability to deliver on its core functions. It outlines what the Bank is doing to manage these risks, including risks to its balance sheet and pension fund, and to reduce the carbon footprint of its operations. For more information, please contact Media Relations."The Bank of Canada released its 2023 Annual Report and Report on...
South Africa's financial sector has marked a significant development with the Corporation for Deposit Insurance (CODI) commencing operations on April 1, 2024. The establishment of CODI ensures that qualifying depositors in the country are now protected up to R100,000 for their deposits in accounts associated with qualifying products if their bank fails. The implementation includes clear guidelines on which depositors and accounts are eligible for protection and outlines how depositors can access their covered deposits should a bank failure occur.